Data Strategy and the
FORCE Methodology
A methodology for achieving success with data and automation
Are you ready to unleash the potential of your business?
The Data Strategy program aligns unique business strategy, stakeholders' needs and wants with the technology to help you understand which Data Science initiatives a company should invest in to increase the chances of success on your digital transformation journey.
An achievable roadmap combines a market view with technical solutions for the future.
Watch a 1-minute video to learn about Data Strategy
FORCE Methodology
Unique methodology focused on your core business needs
For every skyscraper, there’s a solid foundation. For every company that is successful at applying data science and artificial intelligence, there’s a solid company alignment, stakeholders awareness and technical infrastructure supporting it. These are the fundamentals to achieve the expected results.
Imagine flying a plane with no instruments or indicators: no airspeed, altitude, nor location. Most companies are run like that. Executives face challenges when monitoring operations and performance of their businesses. That’s why you need dashboards and alerts to fly without turbulence.
A company is a system of systems, and all companies of all sizes are vulnerable to bugs and cyberattacks. Proactive efforts are required to minimize the number of vulnerabilities in these systems and their damaging impact. That’s why your systems should be constantly tested to mitigate the possible threats.
Before you can focus on growth, you need to understand what constraints are preventing it. Most likely, your constraints are caused by inefficiencies that exist for such a long time that they have become part of the way your company does business. Identifying and removing these inefficiencies will effectively help your business grow and prepare it for the future.
Nowadays, in order to get an advantage, every company must be a data company. Expansion is the art of looking to the future and being certain of the needs of your company and your market. In this phase you will learn how to understand your data to create new products, or services based on real customer needs.